About Us
We believe it is important to be connected to the history of the Church throughout the ages and one of the ways we do this is by singing both old and new songs.
We are committed to gospel-centred expository preaching, believing that what the church of Jesus needs more than anything else is the expounding of God’s Word book by book.
Children & Nursery
We have child care during the morning service until the age of 4. Wednesdays every other week we have RoYo Kids for children from senior kindergarten to grade 8. See Events page for dates.
We believe that as members of a local church we’re called to love and care for one another. One of the ways we seek to do this is by fellowshipping together before and after our corporate worship service. We hope you will join us for coffee, tea and snacks following our services so that we can get to know you better as we also seek to know Christ more.
We have lots of space for parking so you will not need to worry about parking if you plan to visit.
As a Church we’re committed to being a people of prayer. One of the ways we seek to do this is by our corporate prayer meeting Wednesday evenings from 7:00- 8:15pm. All are welcome!
Meet our Pastor